Friday 28 November 2008


Picture taken from

As terror looms over Mumbai, the rest of India just can't seem to get sleep due to the ongoing misery, which has set its home in the country, over the past few months.

The recent terror attacks in Jaipur, operation BAD - (Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi blasts), the Assam blasts and now the Mumbai blasts, have left over three hundred dead and many injured. Amidst the battle of politics and religion, is the common man who suffers. When I turn on the television to grab some news, all I see is the increasing number of people dying, loud cries of women and children, angry men who believe that their religion is not respected, distress and frustration. India is a country where a number of religions co-exist and no religion teaches brutality to human beings.

These blasts have been so drastic, that the pain is clearly felt in the pictures. The three day terror strike has confirmed the fear in the minds of Indians, who have been subjected to this form of inhumane treatment. It has changed a lot for India in terms of its economy because the terrorists targeted the financial capital of the country. The fact that the terrorists inside the hotel specifically asked for American and British nationals, puts India's tourism industry in a tight spot because tourists from across the world will think twice before setting their foot on the Indian land. And the fact that, India now features in the top twenty most dangerous places will only accelerate this.

The question that arises in everyones mind is that who could be behind the blasts? As wrong as it may sound, the first answer to this question in the minds of the public is Pakistan. Pakistan's repeated violation of ceasefire at the border of Jammu and Kashmir, a disputed state between the two countries, goes on to suggest that they are not yet ready to accept peace along the border. The confession of Mohammad Qasab, the only terrorist caught at the Mumbai blasts that ten terrorists had left from Pakistan provides clear evidence of Pakistan’s involvement.

With India having lodged protests with Pakistan over terror strikes, it is clear that the situation is not a very light one and needs to be handled with care. One could go on and on with the past record of discussions and meetings amongst politicians of India and Pakistan for a solution, but honestly speaking nothing has been done to put an end to it. Every Indian is angry with its government, as they have failed to protect them by all means.

India is now a battleground where man fears man. I as an Indian, feel safer staying in England than my own country, but what about my family and countrymen back home. Every Indian needs to think twice before leaving their homes.

The question that now arises is, whether this turmoil could lead to another Indo-Pak war of 1971 or the Kargil war?